Compo Clues
Hints, tips, documentation and ideas related to Compo and CompoScript written by Jim Lesurf. Well worth the visit!

PCA-2 specification
The plug in protocol used by Compo is an open standard designed by the author (of Compo) to work with different object types - such as bitmap objects, vector images and text. I think it is rather snazzy (but then I would, wouldn't I?) This page gives details of the protocol and provides some more tools for you to download to go with the ones that came with the program.

Dave Coopers desktop background images
Images created using Compo.

Clares Micro Supplies
Publishers of Composition (amongst other things).

Rob Davisons home page
Find out about the weirdo who wrote all this stuff. ;-)

Finally, a mailing list for users of Compo has been set up. To subscribe, send an email to or use the form on the Yhaoo groups website.